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Show new changes starting from 18:53, 20 January 2025
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13 January 2025

5 January 2025

     04:34  Main Page 5 changes history +226 [Answertalker777 (5×)]
04:34 (cur | prev) −30 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:33 (cur | prev) +88 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:26 (cur | prev) +137 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:18 (cur | prev) −23 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:13 (cur | prev) +54 Answertalker777 talk contribs
     04:32  (Upload log) [Answertalker777 (3×)]
04:32 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Why live in 2 planet stops global warming.png
04:29 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Heat emission to 1 planet.png
04:12 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Big Events that may Happen.png
N    04:24  To go to space without nuclear war, ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ? 2 changes history +393 [Answertalker777 (2×)]
04:24 (cur | prev) +69 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:23 (cur | prev) +324 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "To go to space without nuclear war, ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ? ⑴ perfect peace if top clever enough, they will stop war temporary, to develop space. because measurement necessary, against lack of fuel & global warming, ⑵ small number of country ? 1⃣ merge country 2⃣ war")

28 December 2024

N    05:14  Residence of metal & perfect reflection diffhist +709 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "=== Residence of metal & perfect reflection === 1⃣ when ball crush to object, if object doesn't moves, perfect reflection happens to ball ( movement energy of ball, preserves ) 2⃣ when ball crush to object, if object doesn't moves, perfect reflection happens to ball ( movement energy of ball, not preserves ) 3⃣ lets think ball = electron, object = metal when elec...")
     05:12 Upload log Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Electron reflections and residence.png
N    05:00  Metal float effect diffhist +328 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with " 1⃣ super conductor = metal with cool temperature 2⃣ when magnet exist near super conductor 3⃣ super conductor, floats = weight of metal = 0 1⃣ metal court cargo, with super conductor 2⃣ when magnet exist near super conductor 3⃣ metal court cargo, floats = weight of cargo = 0")
N    04:55  New land = investment, into new town diffhist +103 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "chance in investment 1⃣ port on map 2⃣ ship developper, in space 3⃣ mine of resource")
N    04:51  Industrial Revolution, in energy generation diffhist +107 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with " 1⃣ heating & cooling, box on planet, with sun 2⃣ send energy, with light wave, easy in space.")
N    04:47  Breakthrough, in transportation 2 changes history +130 [Answertalker777 (2×)]
04:47 (cur | prev) +39 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:46 (cur | prev) +91 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with " 1⃣ car battery from space 2⃣ vacuum tube with cargo 3⃣ airport on orbit")
N    04:40  Lack of resource, may happens on planet 2 changes history +779 [Answertalker777 (2×)]
04:40 (cur | prev) +164 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:37 (cur | prev) +615 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "=== lack of resource, may happens on planet === lack of resource will happens., if fuel store with energy generation << fuel consumption, lack of resource wont happens., if fuel store with energy generation >> fuel consumption, when we can store energy ? 1⃣ absorb energy of sun & heat 2⃣ turn heat into location energy 3⃣ turn heat into chemical energy how we can store energy into fuel ? 1⃣ photosynthesis ( chemical energy, store i...")
N    04:26  Human population problem diffhist +654 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "=== Human population problem === population increase create what problems ? 1⃣ GDP / population = worker's income 2⃣ global warming = energy emission to 1 planet = population × energy consumption per 1 person 3⃣ resource insufficient point to solve these problems: 1⃣ new company with new tech = > GDP increase 2⃣ reduce energy per 1 person, possible 3⃣ eco energy generator development space development, can solve...")
     02:59  Explains why space development necessary diffhist +61 Answertalker777 talk contribs
N    02:56  Support tech info to break hurdle to develop space 2 changes history +200 [Answertalker777 (2×)]
02:56 (cur | prev) +58 Answertalker777 talk contribs
02:55 (cur | prev) +142 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "Support tech info 1⃣ metal float effect 2⃣ residence of metal & perfect reflection 3⃣ robot create robot ")
N    02:52  Explains good effect of space development to financial 2 changes history +203 [Answertalker777 (2×)]
02:52 (cur | prev) +17 Answertalker777 talk contribs
02:51 (cur | prev) +186 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "good effect of space development to financial 1⃣ new land = new town 2⃣ breakthrough, in transportation 3⃣ Industrial Revolution, in energy generation")
     02:48 User creation log User account Answertalker777 talk contribs was created