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13 January 2025

N    19:50  Number of AI, stops their living right 2 changes history +368 [ (2×)]
19:50 (cur | prev) −1 talk
19:50 (cur | prev) +369 talk (Created page with "Number of AI, stops their living right point: 1⃣ get living right = become consumer 2⃣ become consumer = consume energy just same as human 3⃣ if energy generation on planets are not enough, get living right become difficult solutions 1⃣ energy generator on space orbit 2⃣ energy generator & data server on mars 3⃣ go to space")
     19:48  Main Page 3 changes history −124 [ (3×)]
19:48 (cur | prev) −76 talk
19:47 (cur | prev) −56 talk Tag: Manual revert
02:23 (cur | prev) +8 talk
N    02:59  Who stop space development = toosakarin 2 changes history +4,703 [ (2×)]
02:59 (cur | prev) +8 talk
02:23 (cur | prev) +4,695 talk (Created page with "AION suspicious 1⃣ AION may switch tarot ETERnal with tarot AION (= AION may overwrite bible with time travel system) 2⃣ AION may overwrite god name with ETER with DEMETER, to gather suspection to DEMETER (dem & demon) 3⃣ AION may catch 4 letter name god zeus with minotaur myth & her name 4ION ( 4 circles => @ⓑ©ⓓ ) = AION may exist where still capture black cow => black cow, moloch 4⃣ AION may write curse of 1 ring, to attack...")
     02:23  Who make blackhole = toosakarin 7 changes history −6,625 [ (3×); Answertalker777 (4×)]
02:23 (cur | prev) −2,296 talk (Blanked the page) Tag: Blanking
02:20 (cur | prev) +33 talk
02:12 (cur | prev) +133 Answertalker777 talk contribs
01:38 (cur | prev) +142 Answertalker777 talk contribs
01:13 (cur | prev) +373 Answertalker777 talk contribs
00:52 (cur | prev) +177 Answertalker777 talk contribs
00:48 (cur | prev) −5,187 talk
     01:35  (Upload log) [Answertalker777 (3×)]
01:35 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:2 type of ninetale fox.png
01:13 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Iroha song within 9 6 columns.png
01:00 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Atom terms in 18 rows.png

8 January 2025

N    17:22  Who make blackhole = toosakarin diffhist +6,625 talk (Created page with "who catch zeus, may tosakarin = ROKI # zeus vs AION # god vs fafnir # germanys holygrail plan at sapporo # why tosakarin suspected to AION # AION code, not so trustful ? # how fafnir plan to beat rucifer & demon ? if metatron lost his mind & confuse, possible # not 宇宙的恐怖 but 宇宙敵恐怖 thank you bow watcher toosakarin ⑴ if you are AION, in strategy, you take risk, to create uncontrollable beast = fafnir ? ⑵ angel or demon, which will collapse world...")
     16:59  Main Page 2 changes history +88 [ (2×)]
16:59 (cur | prev) +48 talk
02:37 (cur | prev) +40 talk
N    02:41  How we select ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ? 2 changes history +481 [ (2×)]
02:41 (cur | prev) +152 talk
02:39 (cur | prev) +329 talk (Created page with "when we try to go to space, How we select ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ? when we can select ⑴ perfect peace 1⃣ when war predict to stops 2⃣ when good economy when we should select ⑵ small number of country ? 1⃣ when war predict to never stops 2⃣ when stop nuclear war possible")

5 January 2025

     04:34  Main Page 6 changes history +403 [; Answertalker777 (5×)]
04:34 (cur | prev) −30 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:33 (cur | prev) +88 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:26 (cur | prev) +137 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:18 (cur | prev) −23 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:13 (cur | prev) +54 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:02 (cur | prev) +177 talk
     04:32  (Upload log) [Answertalker777 (3×)]
04:32 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Why live in 2 planet stops global warming.png
04:29 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Heat emission to 1 planet.png
04:12 Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Big Events that may Happen.png
N    04:24  To go to space without nuclear war, ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ? 2 changes history +393 [Answertalker777 (2×)]
04:24 (cur | prev) +69 Answertalker777 talk contribs
04:23 (cur | prev) +324 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "To go to space without nuclear war, ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ? ⑴ perfect peace if top clever enough, they will stop war temporary, to develop space. because measurement necessary, against lack of fuel & global warming, ⑵ small number of country ? 1⃣ merge country 2⃣ war")

31 December 2024

N    05:18  Tech info to overcome hurdles when we develop space diffhist +198 talk (Created page with "Support tech info 1⃣ metal float effect 2⃣ residence of metal & perfect reflection 3⃣ robo create robo 4⃣ orbit elevator & charge momentum to planet ")
     05:18  Main Page 2 changes history −78 [ (2×)]
05:18 (cur | prev) +2 talk
04:41 (cur | prev) −80 talk
N    05:17  New chance of investment to space town 2 changes history +1,013 [ (2×)]
05:17 (cur | prev) +137 talk
05:14 (cur | prev) +876 talk (Created page with "Lets search good place of space investment ⑴ needs on space ⑵ consumer research ⑶ product, sells many needs on space 1⃣ warehouse of resources 2⃣ town with new tech 3⃣ place where can charge fuel consumer research 1⃣ top of company with huge gold 2⃣ AI, with robots 3⃣ transporters on space 4⃣ scientists, with space ship knowledge product, sells many 1⃣ parts of space ship 2⃣...")
N    04:58  Good effect of space development to financial diffhist +220 talk (Created page with " there are good effect of space development to financial 1⃣ breakthrough, in transportation 2⃣ Industrial Revolution, in energy generation 3⃣ new chance of investment to space town ")
N    04:45  Why space development necessary 2 changes history +416 [ (2×)]
04:45 (cur | prev) +5 talk
04:44 (cur | prev) +411 talk (Created page with "why space development necessary ? 3 Must Happen events in future are reason. 1⃣ population problem 2⃣ lack of resource 3⃣ energy consume increase, with growth of number of electric systems space development solve next 3 problems. 1⃣ human population problem 2⃣ lack of resource, may happens on planet 3⃣ energy emission into 1 planet vs global warming")

30 December 2024

N    01:15  Robo create robo diffhist +340 talk (Created page with "when robo create robo , what we can do? 1⃣ we can prepair important robo, at next planet 2⃣ we can increase number of robo 3⃣ we can prepair robo, material producting what is important ? 1⃣ material at next planet 2⃣ prepair robot at next planet (- transport cost) 3⃣ to gather investment, create town")
     01:10  Support tech info to break hurdle to develop space 2 changes history −2 [ (2×)]
01:10 (cur | prev) −6 talk
01:08 (cur | prev) +4 talk

28 December 2024

N    05:14  Residence of metal & perfect reflection diffhist +709 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "=== Residence of metal & perfect reflection === 1⃣ when ball crush to object, if object doesn't moves, perfect reflection happens to ball ( movement energy of ball, preserves ) 2⃣ when ball crush to object, if object doesn't moves, perfect reflection happens to ball ( movement energy of ball, not preserves ) 3⃣ lets think ball = electron, object = metal when elec...")
     05:12 Upload log Answertalker777 talk contribs uploaded File:Electron reflections and residence.png
N    05:00  Metal float effect diffhist +328 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with " 1⃣ super conductor = metal with cool temperature 2⃣ when magnet exist near super conductor 3⃣ super conductor, floats = weight of metal = 0 1⃣ metal court cargo, with super conductor 2⃣ when magnet exist near super conductor 3⃣ metal court cargo, floats = weight of cargo = 0")
N    04:55  New land = investment, into new town diffhist +103 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with "chance in investment 1⃣ port on map 2⃣ ship developper, in space 3⃣ mine of resource")
N    04:51  Industrial Revolution, in energy generation diffhist +107 Answertalker777 talk contribs (Created page with " 1⃣ heating & cooling, box on planet, with sun 2⃣ send energy, with light wave, easy in space.")
     04:47  Breakthrough, in transportation diffhist +39 Answertalker777 talk contribs