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Space Develop wiki
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[[File:Why live in 2 planet stops global warming.png|thumb]]

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     1⃣ [[to go to space without nuclear war, ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ?]]
     1⃣ [[to go to space without nuclear war, ⑴ perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ?]]
     2⃣ [[how we select ⑴ or ⑵ ? ]]
     2⃣ [[how we select perfect peace or ⑵ small number of country ? ]]

     [[ Number of AI, stops their living right in Law, because from energy limig, they turn into consumer impossible now. ]]
     [[ Number of AI, stops their living right]]
[[File:Space development help AI living right .png|thumb|relationship within AI right & space development]]
[[File:How to go to other planet.png|thumb|when we think info gravity, how we go to other planet with control info gravity from servers ?]]
read also =>

     [[File:Big Events that may Happen.png|thumb]]